Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dietary Dilemmas

I really need to clean up my act.

Let me clarify. It's not that what I eat is all that terrible. But, I eat the wrong things for my body.

Red meat causes my body to freak out. I'll spare you the gory details, but I can't handle it. Even simple hamburgers just about kill me. And, I don't process raw vegetables that well either. So much for green, leafy salads every day.

I need to eat more protein, because that makes me feel the best. J's Tortilla Soup recipe is cheap, damn good, and makes me feel wonderful because it's full of meat and beans. Peanut butter also works. Cheese is great. Carbs, on the other hand, make me feel incredibly sluggish but that's what I tend to eat because they don't cause any other problems.

I should ask D about her nutritionist. D is incredibly healthy and must be horrified by what she sees here. It's not as much about losing weight as it is about not feeling horrendous any more.

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