Friday, May 1, 2009

Five for Friday

Things that make me happy:
  1. Eight, count 'em, EIGHT new trees in the back yard, including seven teeny tiny new maples.
  2. Rain, rain, rain.
  3. Naps while it rains.
  4. The smell of rain.
  5. Not having to water anything because of all of the rain. See a theme here?
Things that make me less than happy:
  1. All of this freaking paranoia about H1N1. Give me a break. Although, the tweets from Mother Abigail and Randall Flagg are hilarious.
  2. Being incredibly, dreadfully tired.
  3. Having to renew license plates. Just one more thing to pay for.
  4. People that believe that you aren't a family unless you have children. I'll save that for another rant sometime.
  5. Neck pain. What is going on here? I'm completely falling apart.

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