Wednesday, February 24, 2010

On Fighting

We are in a bit of financial trouble. That is perhaps a huge understatement, but I don't want to go into great detail. For two very intelligent people, we have made some horrendous mistakes and have been negligent in a way that is horrifying. So, we're in a very dark and scary place.

However, we have been given some gifts from places that we never expected. We have gotten a tremendous amount of support (and not just financial) from family. We are taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University classes. We are working harder and thinking smarter about what we are doing. We will be fine in the long run.

It's going to be an incredibly tough slog. Harder than either one of us ever thought was possible. But, we WILL do this. We WILL NOT lose each other. We WILL NOT lose our house. We WILL be so much stronger and smarter as a result of this. And we WILL move on.

1 comment:

Teresa Kravtin said...

In the category of "you are not alone", rest assured, you are not alone. Whether it be attributed to a myriad of reasons, sometimes we find ourselves in these places in bewilderment. I can relate. Right now. My counsel is to think about other times in your life when you've felt bleak, and look how your life either transitioned or was transforming. When in the middle of such an episode, it is hard to see the place where one might be going. It's only after getting there, that the tribulation makes any sense. Enough gobbleygook for you today??!! :-D

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