Monday, June 23, 2008


I'm starting to feel a little more functional now. I don't know if it's the Lexapro starting to kick in at the higher dose, or the tons of sleep that I got this weekend, but I don't really care. It's so good to not mind getting out of bed.

We never did fix the evil toilet this weekend (mainly because I never got out of bed). Shit happens.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


We killed our toilet. Thankfully, we have two others in the house, but it's inconvenient having to rush down the hall in the middle of the night with severe intestinal cramps.

It's one of those cheap, low-water nasty ones that takes more than one flush to take care of everything from diarrhea to cat poo. And, it has taken more than its share of abuse.

The toilet itself is fine, but we have to change the guts out because it won't stop running. H shut the water off entirely on Monday. The weird thing is that it acted up for a while about a year ago, but it got better suddenly and then started running constantly again two weeks ago.

I'm not a plumber, but I play one on TV.


It's been a while, I know. We've been really busy traveling for work and family, working a lot, having the closet redone (and dealing with the messes before and after). I think about forcing myself to write, but I can't pull the trigger. I can't pull the trigger on much these days.

I've been taking 20mg of Lexapro for the last few weeks, and I don't think that it's making much of a difference yet. I've been propelled along by inertia for the last few weeks, and it has completely caught up with me now that I don't have a carved-in-stone agenda. I have more to get done now than I have in a very long time, but I can't get it together.

At least the Lexapro isn't keeping me awake.

I've been trying to put a spin on things so that H doesn't worry too much, but it caught up with me today. I've been forcing myself to get showered and presentable before he gets home, and even have been asking him to run errands with me so that I'm forced to leave the house, but he figured it out today. I told him that I had planned on going into the office, but I just couldn't. So, he called me at home and here I am. Thankfully, my boss told me that I don't have to go into the office unless I want to, so I am no longer required to go in for two days a week as we already discussed.

I'm not sure what to do, other than to pray that it passes quickly and that the Lexapro starts kicking in quickly.