Friday, January 9, 2009

Five for Friday

Things that make me happy:
  1. Having a full day off and not being so exhausted that I need to spend the entire day in bed.
  2. Pants that are a little too loose in the rear end and thighs.
  3. My beautiful hands now that my nails have grown out.
  4. My new Touch. Bejeweled 2 is The Bomb.
  5. Being at peace. It's been tough, but I think that I'm there. Almost. Kind of. So help me, dammit.

Things that make me less than happy:
  1. Weird weather. Either be cold or be warm or rain or snow. Make up your fraking mind.
  2. Budget cuts. But, they all make sense and it's liberating in a strange way.
  3. Sciatica (or whatever the hell it is) in my left butt cheek. At least it's not radiating down my leg.
  4. Having to take down the few Christmas decorations that I put up in the first place. Where did the season go?
  5. The way that the house can become a mess even when we're never here. What's up with that? I feel like I'm constantly cleaning. I can't imagine how terrible it would be if we had kids.
  6. Mustaches. They don't bother me when they're on men, as they're supposed to be, but on me? Hate. It. Bring on the depilatories.

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