Friday, September 5, 2008

Five for Friday

Things that make me happy:
  1. Yoga
  2. Gnarly Head Old Vine Zinfandel
  3. Rain, rain, rain
  4. Candles
  5. Emerald Smoked Almonds
Things that make me less than happy:
  1. Downward Facing Dog (although, I am getting better)
  2. Stinky garbage cans
  3. The RNC
  4. Paying the bills
  5. Obnoxiously expensive airfare for a destination that I am not fond of in the first place
  6. Chipped toenail polish that I don't notice until I'm in Yoga class. So much for letting thoughts go.
Yeah, I know that I threw in a 6th thing to be less than happy about. Sue me. I need to be more happy.

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