Wednesday, September 24, 2008

'Tis a Gift

Tonight at Job #2, we were talking about how all of us are gifted in specific ways. D, who is the 6th grade history teacher, is an extremely gifted teacher. Granted, I've never seen him in the classroom, but he can help anyone that walks in the door and explain to them what they need to know on the level that they will understand. It's amazing to watch him. He is also extremely patient, which is essential in a teacher. And, he is always searching for additional information. Learning is as fundamental to him as breathing.

My beloved Aunt P has a gift for making every person that she encounters feel loved. Nowhere is that more important than in the ER where she works as a nurse. If I had any kind of trauma, she is exactly the person that I would want helping me.

My mother has a gift for making anything and everything grow. She isn't happy unless she has dirt under her nails, and no plant too large or small is unworthy of her love and attention.

I don't know what my gift is. I can make all kinds of snarky comments about it, but I'm sure that there is a legitimate one out there somewhere.

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