Sunday, December 28, 2008

Five for Sunday

So I'm a little late. We've been traveling! It snowed! It rained! It was foggy! It was 60 and sunny! All of that over the course of 24 hours in Chicago.

Things that make me happy:
  1. Needing a manicure and having enough nails to get one.
  2. Being Mommed.
  3. Christmas lights on snow-covered trees... until it rains. Then, Christmas lights through the fog.
  4. Watching squirrels on Mom's deck eating leftover fruit and vegetables.
  5. Finding neat treats in the liquor cabinet. Jameson's, anyone?
Things that make me less than happy:
  1. Having 8 hours to wait in the airport for a flight out. Hence, all of the time for a manicure.
  2. Breaking a nail less than 12 hours after getting the manicure.
  3. Icy driveways with an oh-so-slight incline.
  4. Really, really, really needing to color my hair.
  5. Ankle-deep slush.
But, hey! After being 9 hours late getting in, we got home ON TIME. Wonders never cease!

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