Tuesday, December 9, 2008

New Toy

H just got a new MacBook.. Yes, I understand that it's not Christmas yet, and I'm not even supposed to know about its existence, but there it is. The best part of his obsession with new technology is that I get his barely 2-year-old MacBook.

It has taken me a little while to figure it out, but I'm up and running now. It's really not terribly different from my old Stink Pad, once you think about it. It is light years faster, though. And, it's so PRETTY.

Even better, my iPod works with it seamlessly. It tolerated the Stink Pad, but it LOVES the MacBook. H was so kind as to load my iTunes onto the MacBook, along with all of my music from my external hard drive. It has only taken half an hour or so to sync it up. Of course, I don't have 30,000 songs on my iPod... only a measly 3,000.

I'm so happy that I think that I'm going to take a nap until he gets home. Hah.

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