Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's the Most...

horrible time of the year.

No, that's not really true. I like to jab at the Christmas season because it's so chaotic, but it's really not that terrible. For many, many years the season was dreadful because I worked retail. Christmas shopping tends to bring out the worst in many people, and I've never understood why.

I had about six years during which I was able to enjoy the season. I wasn't working in a store, and was off on weekends (for the most part) and was home every night so I was able to bake, shop, and rest. Now that I'm back in the fray, I have to manage my time more tightly.

This year, I have hardly baked a thing. I did the great majority of my shopping on-line. I haven't really put up any decorations. I did feel a little guilty about it for a while, but I got over it. It's so true that we put all kinds of stress upon ourselves to have the "perfect" holidays, and create such an environment in our heads that we can never live up to. If I were not working, and had unlimited money, I would give Martha Stewart a run for her money. But, that's not an issue.

I'm grateful to be heading to Chicago, and for my family and friends that love me. And, I'm grateful that we're relatively healthy and happy. That is more than enough.

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