Sunday, April 27, 2008


I can handle most things about the Crohn's Disease... explosive diarrhea, fistulas that won't heal, nausea, the mortification of having to use public bathrooms, whatever. Bring it all on! But, the constant joint pain is getting to me more than a little. My GI has offered to send me to a rheumatologist, but I know that they will tell me to get exercise and lose weight. Oh, I'll get right on that.

A new rec center just opened down the street, and they offer aqua aerobics classes for a mere $3 per lesson. I need to check it out, if I can drag my butt out of bed, find a bathing suit that fits, and steel myself for mommies talking about mommy things.

In the mean time, the project of the day is to clean out the liquor cabinet. It doesn't just hold liquor, mind you, but all kinds of scary jars and paper plates and things that I kept because I thought that I would throw more parties than I actually do. The problem with this cabinet is that I will have to sit on the hardwood floor to access it. Bring on the vicodin! Perhaps I'll have to sample the alcohol as I dig it out.

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