Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Better Living Through Chemistry

Today, I felt normal.

Well, almost normal. I still have this rotten stinkin' cold, but other than that, mentally normal.

This is the first time in as long as I can remember that I had a day off and I accomplished (almost) everything that I wanted to do. The fact that I wanted to do ANYTHING other than sleep all day is huge in and of itself. I even got up earlier than I had intended. And, I was showered by 12:30!

I think that this victory can be attributed to a few things: the love of a wonderful man, better meds, and virtually no stress. H has been so incredibly patient and loving with me, and I can't begin to express how grateful I am for him. I knew that Lexapro works much better for me than Effexor, but it has taken a while for it to really kick in. And, we completely underestimate how much stress wreaks havoc on our bodies and minds.

I didn't get in everything that I wanted to accomplish, but it was still a huge step for me.

I feel like a useful person again. I can't describe how good that feels.

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