Thursday, January 22, 2009

Good Friends

I'm a terrible friend. No, that's not entirely true. I can be a very good friend. But, I lose touch with friends very, very easily.

I think that's the natural progression of things. We have different friends at different times and they serve different purposes. As we grow up, we move on. It's very easy for me to use the lack of simple technology (Facebook, email, cell phones) to not talk to people.

The last few weeks have been a revelation. I've heard from old friends from grade school, high school, college. Former teachers. Former co-workers. Many of them have said that they think of me and wonder where I've been. All are happy to hear from me and most want to get together for a drink.

Malcolm Gladwell, in Blink, refers to some people as "connectors." Those are the people that never lose touch and are always accessible to everyone. I have never been one of those. But, I will work hard to maintain the connections that I have now, and foster them. I have already been able to "connect" two people that didn't know each other previously for business purposes. It's all a good thing.

The best and most important lesson to take away from this is that I am loved. And, it's not just me. We're all loved, and I do love the people that I've reconnected. I have missed them and want to share our lives.

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