Friday, November 7, 2008

Five for Friday

Things that make me happy:
  1. The Formula Shiraz/Cabernet.
  2. Bright red maple trees.
  3. Gas for only $1.95.
  4. The big Tiffany's catalog that we couldn't afford to buy anything from.
  5. Making lists of cookies to bake and gifts to buy for Christmas.

Things that make me less than happy:
  1. Customers. They all drove me nuts today.
  2. The big Tiffany's catalog that we couldn't afford to buy anything from.
  3. The fact that everyone in TN is freaking out because the temperature has dropped below 70. It's still t-shirt weather, folks!
  4. Snark about Obama and his choices for his advisors.
  5. Having to pay bills.

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