Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Live Blogging?

This could be disastrous, but I'll give it a shot.

7:11 How interesting that Obama is celebrating in Grant Park with the masses but McCain is at the Biltmore in Phoenix. I wish more than anything that I could be with T at the Congress Hotel right now.

7:17 I still have a hard time accepting that I live not only in a Red state, but also one that has such incredibly stringent liquor laws. The local ballots are rife with referendums on booze.

7:25 I meant well to have windows open for the Trib, Tennessean, Washington Post and NYT, but it's making me crazy. I'll stop messing with it once my guests get here imminently.

7:32 Soledad and Bill's exit polling graph makes my head explode.

7:58 T just called me from Grant Park. Rumors abound. I have promised to text her when anything interesting happens.

8:17 More and more Senate seats for the Blue guys.

8:25 Mitch McConnell. Blech.

8:42 Need mind bleach to stop thinking lascivious thoughts about John King.

9:07 Pundits are saying that it's over but I'll believe it when I see it. No champagne yet.

9:35 207 to 135. Enough already! Call it! We know that it's impossible for McCain to win!

9:37 Holy holograms! First Jessica Yellin, now the Congress? Yikes.

9:45 I wanted to play with the holographs on CNN.com, but it's only a scaled-back Magic Map. Bother.

9:54 Polls closing on the West Coast shortly. Hopefully, we'll get an answer SOON.

10:07 Crying and drinking sparkling wine.

I think that's it for me.

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