Sunday, November 9, 2008

Observations on an Honest Day's Work

The last two days have been stressful at both jobs. Some basic reasons why:
  1. Many Mommies tend to either forget or ignore that their kids need breaks, food, and naps. If the kid is screaming, it's usually for a reason.
  2. Some people look down on those that work retail. Do they think that we're uneducated or stupid or both?
  3. I need to invest in some really good shoes.
  4. Tylenol works best when you take it when you first need it, not when the pain gets intense.
  5. Always bring an extra bottle of water.
  6. Avoid the food court.
I am really enjoying both jobs. Granted, I would like to make a little more money, but this is so good for me. Not only am I getting a ton of exercise, I feel NEEDED. It has been a long time since I've felt needed. There is so much satisfaction in knocking out a lengthy to-do list and then going beyond that. And, at both jobs, I can look back on the day and know that I accomplished something tangible.

H says that he's proud of how hard I'm working and how well I'm holding up. I just wish that I wasn't so bloody tired all of the time.

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