Sunday, April 12, 2009

Egged On

Yes, I understand that it's hard for a little kid to sit still for long periods of time. I don't expect them to do that, especially during a Very Boring Mass. And, I also understand that kids are hopped up on all kinds of candy on Easter morning. But, the following sightings really pissed me off today:
  • Punching.
  • Crawling under seats.
  • Running around/twirling dresses.
  • Climbing up parents.
  • Coloring.
All of these transgressions were committed by kids that were 4 or 5. In other words, they were absolutely old enough to know how to behave.

Of course, you want to go to Mass. It's Easter, and it's the only time of the year (besides Christmas) that you go. But, what kind of a message are you sending to your little darlings by letting them behave in a beastly fashion? Please note that I don't mind crying. Little ones do that. But, if you're spending all of your time playing cop to your kids, you aren't getting anything out of Mass either. Watch it on EWTN. Don't inflict them on people that are trying to worship.


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