Friday, April 17, 2009

Five for Friday

Things that make me happy:
  1. Peonies that apparently grew out of nowhere and are going to bloom soon.
  2. Heidi Collins. I want to look like Heidi Collins. Totally my girl crush.
  3. H's foot appears to be healing nicely. X-ray today.
  4. Cookie is starting to come out more, and took a nap with me yesterday.
  5. Susan Boyle. She has the voice of an angel.
Things that make me less than happy:
  1. Not being able to help family and friends that are so upset.
  2. Digital cable that still isn't working properly.
  3. Regular discussions about cash flow.
  4. Constant headaches/allergies/sinus crap. I guess that's the price we pay for flowers.
  5. Missing my dad so much.

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